Dr. Chapman regularly appears on conferences and talks, giving presentations, and lectures
Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (ABCT)
Research and Professional Development 1 – Using Social and Traditional Media to Manage Your Professional Image and Market Your Work: For Practitioners, Academics, and Researchers
Friday, October 28
8:15 AM – 9:45 AM
Room: Times Square
Floor Number: 7
Presentation Type: Research and Professional Development
Level of Familiarity: Basic
Moderator(s): Simon A. Rego, Psy.D., ABPP, ACT
Director of Psychology Training, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York Participants should be aware of the following financial/ non-financial relationships: No financial relationships to disclose
Panelist(s): L. Kevin Chapman, Ph.D. Private Practice
Helene Sobin, MBA
While the benefits of managing media to build and control a professional image may be most clear for practitioners looking to gain patients for private practice, all psychologists can benefit from a command over their public image. Academics who are often quoted in traditional media outlets, well-known on social media platforms, and/or who have readily searchable Internet profiles may be more likely to attract outstanding students and trainees. Researchers who are well-known publicly for their work may be more salient as potential collaborators or consultants for new projects and, importantly, more adept in disseminating their findings directly to the general public. Further, even if you choose not to actively use media to promote your work, you likely have a neglected professional Internet image that might be working against your goals (e.g., out-of-date copies of your vita or an old office phone number, etc.). Navigating the broad array of social media platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) and professional profiles (e.g., your practice website, your university or hospital website, ResearchGate, Healthgrades.com, etc.) can be overwhelming. This panel brings together psychologists from private practice, research clinics, and academia, each of whom has excelled in creating and managing a strong, positive, media presence. They are joined by a marketing professional who specializes in assisting health professionals to build their professional images. The panelists will discuss their experiences working with traditional and social media and will offer concrete advice. Ample time will be allotted for audience questions and participation. This session is not eligible for continuing education credit.